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Yeah, I gotta feed the dogs somehow.


In 54 BC, Egypt is bankrupt and deep in debt due to a long line of inept Ptolemies. At 15, Cleopatra has been plopped on the throne to support her dad’s early retirement, and there’s a learning curve ... where relationships are concerned. Star-crossed, separated, reunited, desired ... just normal people ... all set in a backdrop of ancient Egypt with embezzling Romans, rude politicians, an ex-witchdoctor, priestesses, working girls, and a small dog … what’s not to like?

Anxious to refill the treasury and payoff the debts, Cleopatra tries a number of different schemes. She sends two scribes on a secret mission of 1000’s of miles up and down the Nile (romantically bonding them with priestesses to make sure they come back). She plots the legal demise of a Roman tax collector with the women in his house, tries to whittle away loyalties of 2,500 Romans with the help of Alexandrian women, deals with domestic and international politics, plays both sides of a diplomatic game for patronage, befuddles Caesar in Gaul, and stumbles with her own coming-of-age issues.

See how a woman is trained to snare a husband, without him realizing what’s happening. What kind of dance is it, exactly, that the scribe does to amuse his paramour in her bedroom? What could that scholar have possibly done to get him banned-for-life from a woman’s temple? Watch how a storytelling Macedonian warrior gets turned into a tongue-tied puppy at first glance of a friendly Kushite. Will the Romans ever figure out that they’re being manipulated by the entire female population of Alexandria? What are that priestess’ OTHER tattoos?

It’s 6 years before Caesar steps foot in Egypt ... another 9 before Antony shows up. It's not a typical Cleopatra narrative.

It’s a world where women call the shots and men do the grunt work. It's a story about how people deal with unexpected situations and unintended consequences, and how sometimes the heart just wants what the heart wants.


In 53 BC, 16-year-old Cleopatra has been ruling Egypt for a year, now as co-regent, while her father enjoys early retirement. This is 4 years before Caesar steps foot in Egypt (12 years before Antony). The country is in dire financial straits. There’s a lot of gold and jewels buried with previous pharaohs and it’s not doing them any good, so Cleopatra, like some rulers before her, decides to restart state sponsored tomb robbing, as well as anything else she can think of to raise funds, while engaging in covert diplomacy with the Roman empire (primarily through long-distance matchmaking).


Cleopatra's first relationship interferes with ruling the empire. Marriage counseling is discovered as an unpleasant part of a job promotion. A jealous wife anxiously notices how way too many women find her awkward husband appealing. A souvenir maker in Thebes longs for his childhood sweetheart, a fiercely independent woman who will have nothing to do with him. A formidable Macedonian warrior quits his job in Alexandria, and travels 2200 miles up the crocodile and bandit infested Nile to reach his soulmate. A charming, unassuming mute girl continues her long game to make babies with someone else’s husband. A priestess’ twin sister takes a very Egyptian interest in her brother-in-law … and a very unlucky deaf-mute orphan girl gets a reprieve.


See what it’s like to be on the receiving end of arguing couples when it’s your job. How will the divine Pharaoh manage when his daughter puts him on an allowance? Watch Cleopatra chase-slap her favorite scribe around and around the Aphrodite shrine on her palatial luxury barge. Witness the possible origins of organized tourism, theme parks, franchised fast food, sports betting, … and the chicken dance.


It's a story about how people deal with unexpected situations and unintended consequences, and how sometimes the heart just wants what the heart wants.


Valentine's Day can be really difficult at times. There are lots of Romances to choose from. Why not pick quirky funny ones? The fact that it's different than everything else means you put some thought into it. Good luck!

This collection of light hearted romance short stories is set in Ptolemaic Egypt, around the time Cleopatra VII is co-regent beside her father, Ptolemy XII. Cleopatra is only fifteen years old, but her father, the Pharaoh, has dumped administration of the entire empire in her lap, as she performs much more effectively than he ever did.

However, the stories aren’t about Cleopatra: she may be running the show, but she’s frantically concerned with restoring a bankrupt empire. She may set wheels in motion, but the stories concern common people, not pompous elitists or royals. It’s an exotic backdrop for a woman dominant culture, but it reveals that across thousands of years people really are all the same. Priestesses, widows, working girls, scribes, sailors, retired tomb robbers, a soldier, a warrior, fisher boys … everyone needs a little romance (or a lot, as the case may be).


These are Sinbad type stories, with the addition of light humor and romance. Sail the Mediterranean in first century BCE and deal with high seas, pirates, slavers, seductresses, men lost at sea, a man with unbelievable luck (good and bad) and some pretty remarkable cetaceans. It is not a sequel to prior books: it just further explores the ancient world canvas.


Join priestesses, scribes, sailors, fisher folk, and the physicians of Alexandria in wry tales of love, adventure … and a really inconvenient curse (or is it?). Struggle with languages. See a whole village of purebred women anxious for offspring from a single unwilling man. Explore the cave that leads to Hades, where costumed temple-staff play a game of make-believe. Realize the complex intelligence network of the time with high ranking priestesses of various deities who just can’t seem to keep their hands off one sailor.  Learn how love notes can be hidden in tiny intelligence messages transported by pigeons. Witness the creation of the first graphic novels.


This is a continuation of the “Young Cleopatra” series. It only contains Cleopatra in cameos, but continues the stories of some characters in her court, and adds a few. Adult situations but nothing vulgar. Not for the kiddies.


As in other books of the series, everything happens within the context of first century BCE and Cleopatra’s court. There’s lots of things that didn’t happen, but there isn’t anything that couldn’t have happened ... well, maybe except one thing.


This is a romantic comedy about a garage band in ancient Thebes. Like typical musicians, they all have day jobs and rarely meet each other except for gigs. By an incredible turn of luck, they perform before Co-regent Cleopatra when she visits Thebes and are contracted to perform at her coronation.


As they travel the Nile, they’re desperate to increase their catalog of songs. Not really familiar with spending so much time together, their offbeat personalities are revealed. After all the traveling is done, their romances take on a life of their own.


Join priestesses, scribes, sailors, soldiers, merchant families, scholars, and the royalty of Alexandria along with the personal lives of band members. Struggle with song writing and the unexpected consequences of being a little Bohemian. What does it take to run a successful tavern just past Karnak? Ancient rap, moonwalking, stress disorders, depression, awkward relationships, a useless ichneumon and lost works of Aristotle: what’s not to like?


This is a continuation of the “Young Cleopatra” series. It only contains Cleopatra in cameos, but continues the stories of some characters in her court, and adds a few. Adult situations but nothing vulgar. Not for the kiddies.


As in other books of the series, everything happens within the context of first century BCE and Cleopatra’s court. There’s lots of things that didn’t happen, but there isn’t anything that couldn’t have happened.

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